Er9x and ErskyTx Home Page

Download links:

ER9X (revision 821):
er9x standard (right click and select 'save as')
er9x for M64-FrSky (right click and select 'save as')
er9x for M64-FrSky with serial voice (right click and select 'save as')
er9x for Mega128 processor (right click and select 'save as')
er9x for Mega2561 processor (right click and select 'save as')
er9x with nmea telemetry (right click and select 'save as')
er9x for ardupilot (right click and select 'save as')
er9x standard, German (right click and select 'save as')
er9x for 128, German (right click and select 'save as')
er9x for M64-FrSky, German (right click and select 'save as')
er9x for M64-FrSky, French (right click and select 'save as')
er9x standard, Norwegian (right click and select 'save as')
er9x jeti telemetry (right click and select 'save as')

Links to Manuals

Links to useful threads:
Ersky9x trainer over Bluetooth
Rotary Encoder for SKY, PRO and AR9X
9XR Pro Wiring Info Q&A
An example of a 9Xtreme installation
erskyTx and eepskye test versions (Also see below for erskyTx test versions)
er9x and eepe test versions

ERSKYTX (revision 229)
erskyTx for SKY board (French)
erskyTx for SKY board (German)
erskyTx for AR9X board
erskyTx for 9XR-PRO
erskyTx for Taranis
erskyTx for Taranis Plus
erskyTx for Taranis X9E
erskyTx for 9Xtreme
erskyTx for QX7
erskyTx for Horus
erskyTx for X10/X10S
erskyTx for X10Express
erskyTx for Jumper T12
erskyTx for X9Lite
erskyTx for X9LiteS
erskyTx for X-Lite
erskyTx for X-LiteS
erskyTx for RM TX16S
erskyTx for QX7-Access
erskyTx for ArUni
erskyTx for RK TX18S
erskyTx for Jumper T16
erskyTx bootloader and flash multi app for T16
erskyTx for XWave TX800 (DSMP capable): Rename file to SD1.bin to flash
                  Go here for TX800 DSMP firmware by Lemon Rx team

Scripts (in zip files for download):
S6R/S8R (27-Dec-2019) - Instructions
Betaflight PID also see here
File Transfer filet.bas and filer.bas
FrSky Neuron SBEC configuration
FrSky Sport Change Physical ID
FrSky Sport Change Application ID

Eepe/eepskye (revision 422)
eepe and eepskye for Windows (rev 429)
eepe for linux
eepskye for linux
eepe for MAC
eepskye for MAC

Ersky9x Test Versions (zipped)
r221g7 Fix external XJT bug on STM radios
X-Lite r222B3

Voice files
Voice pack for ersky9x r218 onwards:

Er9x Test Versions (zipped)

Apps Last updated 29-Aug-2020

SD Card Contents

This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the copyright owner or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages.